Easy Batik Art Project For Kids


This is quite an easy art project for most ages.  All you need is an old sheet or pillow case or white fabric, clear blue glue and acrylic paint. 

*The traditional Batik process you use melted wax/crayons and dye instead of glue.  It’s very fun yet messy but gives you more variety of options with the look of your batik but this is a much more realistic approach with younger children or impatient teens.


-I typically advise the children to sketch an idea onto paper just so they have an idea of what they will do with the glue once they start the ‘Batik’.

-At this point, cut your fabric of choice to the desired size and tape it tightly to a cardboard piece cut to fit (this helps when painting onto a hard surface and also helps it dry flat).

-With the clear blue glue, outline your design onto the fabric and let dry completely.

-Choose the colors you want and water each color down significantly but to the desired brightness you want.  You want it watery so it spreads easily when painting onto fabric.  I typically have lots of old used little jars or Tupperware I use for this.

-Begin painting the fabric.  It’s okay to paint over the glue. It is dry and once soaked the glue will fade away and you will be left with a white outline where your design is so the paint will naturally resist these areas and create your very own Batik.

-Once completely dry, remove from cardboard and soak in hot/warm water until glue is completely gone.  I then either hang them to dry or simply lay them outside on my deck to fully dry.

-Viola! they are ready!  So simple.